Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is it true the standard of beauty in Mexico is blonde hair blue eyes and thin?

Actress Salma Hayek, from Mexico, said this and is that true? Bc the majority of ppl in Mexico do not have blonde hair or blue eyes!Is it true the standard of beauty in Mexico is blonde hair blue eyes and thin?
sure, just look at all the bottle blondes they have there, and here. and the blue eyes, yes. althought they don't call them blue eyes, they call them colored eyes. when i first introduced my husband to co-workers, many remarked to me..oh he has colored eyes. and when they met my daughter (from a different man), i got to hear. 'oh you only like blonde men with colored eyes, don't you?' like i was being elitest. i since i am brown, many where i work are surprised that i am associated with white people. all of the boyfriends i've ever had (40ish?)were white except one. it's just because that's all i've ever known. many mexicans live in this town, but none of them like to hang out where i do, so i don't know too many. except for my mothers side of the family.Is it true the standard of beauty in Mexico is blonde hair blue eyes and thin?
I have never heard of that being true. My grandfather is half Mexican and has light blue eyes, but I thought brown eyes were more common. I do notice alot of blonds on their tv shows though, but that's true in any country.
I don't get the whole blonde hair/blue eyes thing, I would rather have a girl with darker hair and brown or green eyes. A brown eyed girl is most pretty like Van Morrison said.
Salma Hayak knows her people, all right. It's quite true that the highest standard of beauty in Mexico is the blue-eyed, pale-skinned blonde.

If you look at the country's history it makes sense. It is a complete power/race issue.The country was conquered by Europeans. The power was held by Europeans. The Indians were made into slaves. They were powerless.

This led to a kind of racism that is still pervasive throughout Mexican society, hard as many of them will try to deny it. The shorter, darker, more ';Indian'; a Mexican looks, the lower on the socio-enonomic scale he/she is. The more European the features, height, coloring, the higher the social caste. At the top, you get people like Vicente Fox, 6'3'; (at least) and looking like he just rode in from his ranch is Spain (where his mother was born).

If you look at any group of upper-class, wealthy Mexicans without knowing where they are from, you'll have trouble guessing. They look like they could be from New York, Paris, Berlin or Madrid.

So it is much more about social caste than any actual ideal of beauty, just like it is with American blacks. For many of them, there's a premium on looking ';whiter'; because traditionally that's where the money and the power were and the least discrimination.

Beauty is almost always about power.


Learn about Mexico's most beautiful colonial city at
every country fantasizes about what they dont have. Obviously Mexico wont have that much of the blonde and blue eyed type of women's beauty and that s what makes it so special there. Just like people from canada and other cold countries love tans and brunettes, other parts of the world where the sun burns everything fantasize about very fair sking and blonds.

Americans on the other side fantasize about attractive women with accents, I mean the accents they can understand!!
It is sad to admit, but it is true.

Very similar as in the US, everybody wants to be blond, thin and hiper-bi*ch. :D It is more about the hair and the body, than the eyes (color contact lenses are so 'out' these days...).

I personally think that brunettes are more beautiful than blonds, but yes, the truth is that lots die their hair to look like Paris Hilton.
They all want siamese eyes cause they know its hot
I just said this about a man asking why white women were put on a pedestal.

Men from other lands rule this earth.

It stands to reason that their ideal, a blonde, blue eyed thin woman, would be the ideal for people in other nations.

It is a power issue.

Now, Mexican women are white, just of a different culture, but it is still about power.

Also, Eva Longoria said this about her family. She said her sisters are blonde and blue eyed and they got all the attention and that now when she is on the cover of a magazine she sends it home.

A lot of black people want lighter skin. Some Asian people want rounder eyes. People in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, and Greece, where women are traditionally dark haired and dark eyed, want to be blonde and blue eyed.

It is what it is...

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