Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can society change the way beauty is seen?

This question is very broad. In my opinion the only way for society to change the way beauty is seen is to market the change.How can society change the way beauty is seen?
I'm afraid that ';society'; cant choose to change this... with fashion fads and what not society's view of what beauty is changes with time, culture, religion etc.... for example most modern wester countries see beauty as skinny, big boobs, blonde hair etc... however in other countries like Mauritania it is considered beautiful to be overweight. I dont think that the key is to change the way beauty is seen but to inforce the idea that beauty is in the eye of its beholder and that as long as you're healthy than that is beautiful.How can society change the way beauty is seen?
Depends on what you mean. But the media has all of that covered. The media influences the way many people see things. Convince people to become independant thinkers.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
yes, 100 years ago pale was seen as beautiful, but now, tan is seen as beautiful.
Well a start would be to stop air brushing the models and to use models that are more representative of the population as a whole instead of the 1% that are able to starve themselves. Showing real images of real people in commercials and getting rid of false images is going to go a long way in changing how beauty is seen.
society itself can change the way it sees beauty, IF it chooses to NOT listen to the media about beauty standards and what you ''should'' look like. although, there are cultural beauty standards that go back hundreds and hundreds of years. but wiuth change of the times comes change of what ''beauty'' is. i think its all BS is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is about a persons heart, mind, and soul, not what they look like on the outside.
once the media backs off
i agree with the joe guy i think !

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