Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How does a person style (clothes, beauty regime, hairstyle, self mutilations) reflect the person they are?

it shows the certain mood that person is showing to people. like whether a person wore all black or pastel yellows and blues, they both reflect how they feel and their personality.

like some people who are posers. on the other habd, you can tell they are posers from what they put on themselves right?

but then again you cant read a book by its cover so personal style only take up about half of who people areHow does a person style (clothes, beauty regime, hairstyle, self mutilations) reflect the person they are?
Hairstyles, clothes, make up and things such as that show off a person's personality.How does a person style (clothes, beauty regime, hairstyle, self mutilations) reflect the person they are?
This is you motto: If you look good, you feel good, you act good. Simple.
If the person always wears very classy and perfect fitting clothes, they are looked at as organized and smart. Now if one is to wear baggy, old clothes, they are seen as careless, irresponsible in some situations, and easy going.
it doesnt always because some people copy other people so it reflects who they are copying my clothes show im versatile ill wear anything i like

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